Rui Ying (应睿)
Rui Ying (应睿)

Use Android NDK with Different Build Systems

For those who want to jump into implementation, please check out the Android repo.

Autotools integration

For autotools project, it's usually easy to set up a small-scale project. Find a template and add your source and header files. Even if you need some external libraries, you can just add -llibname to the compiler, while installing these libraries are as simple as some package manager commands.

One lib/ for my project tunet-c (simplified):

libportal_la_CPPFLAGS = -I$(srcdir)/../openssl/include -I$(srcdir)/../openssl/include/openssl
libportal_la_SOURCES = portal.c portal.h list.c list.h utf.c utf.h parser.c parser.h utf8proc.c utf8proc.h sds.c sds.h cJSON.c cJSON.h

Here I used relative paths for include paths, but it's also fine if you have openssl installed and make sure they are in include search paths.

So what's the problem? It seems I have all the files under the directory. Well, this is only the lib directory and I need to compile against openssl and curl ultimately.

See src/ (only shows the part for exported C library, not the whole CLI):

libtunet_la_CPPFLAGS = -I$(srcdir)/../lib
libtunet_la_SOURCES = tunet.c tunet.h
libtunet_la_LIBADD = ../lib/ $(CRYPTOLIB) $(CURLLIB)

$(CRYPTOLIB) and $(CURLLIB) are defined by where you check whether some necessary libs exist in your system. For a well set up build environment, they will be equal to -lcrypto (part of openssl lib) and -lcurl after running ./configure.

Yes, this is easy for almost every Unix-like system. However, Android do not have openssl and curl built in and we do not have an apm (Android Package Manager) to install them :p. We must build openssl and curl from source. I will talk about how to achieve this in the following post. Let's just assume we have already had three static libraries -- libssl.a, libcrypto.a (those two are openssl libs) and libcurl.a built for all Android targets (x86, arm, arm64, etc.).

Now we want to add them to our existing Android project so we can use libtunet.

First, create a file named inside directory jni. JNI stands for Java Native Interface which allows you to use C functions in Java code and the other way around. It seems a convention to put those configuration files inside jni so I will do the same (some also put jni inside cpp directory just beside java).

include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := ../openssl-curl-android/build/openssl/$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)/lib/libssl.a
LOCAL_EXPORT_CFLAGS := -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/../openssl-curl-android/build/openssl/$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)/include

include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := crypto
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := ../openssl-curl-android/build/openssl/$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)/lib/libcrypto.a
LOCAL_EXPORT_CFLAGS := -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/../openssl-curl-android/build/openssl/$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)/include

include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := ../openssl-curl-android/build/curl/$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)/lib/libcurl.a
LOCAL_EXPORT_CFLAGS := -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/../openssl-curl-android/build/curl/$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)/include

The above three blocks are all the same.

  1. First, we do include $(CLEAR_VARS) which is necessary for
  2. Then, we name the library we are including into the Android project. Here for example, we have curl for LOCAL_MODULE, then later we can use libcurl to point to this static library.
  3. Since we are including a static library, LOCAL_SRC_FILES refers to the prebuilt .a file. I cross-compiled these libraries ahead of time and put them in the path shown above (next post will be on this topic).
  4. LOCAL_EXPORT_CFLAGS is usually for making the library's include files to be seen in the rest of the Makefile.
  5. include $(PREBUILT_STATIC_LIBRARY) says this block is about a prebuilt static library. We can also use shared one. Visit NDK docs for more information.
  6. Just to mention, $(TARGET_ARCH_ABI) is a helpful macro to be equal to the ABI you are building for. So I can always link the right architecture of the libraries.

With three blocks, we have told NDK to include these three prebuilt libraries. Now let's check out the part for our final lib -- libtunet for Android.

include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/../openssl/include $(LOCAL_PATH)/../curl/include $(LOCAL_PATH)/../tunet-c/cJSON $(LOCAL_PATH)/../tunet-c/sds $(LOCAL_PATH)/../tunet-c/utf8proc
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := tunet-jni.c ../tunet-c/src/tunet.c ../tunet-c/lib/portal.c ../tunet-c/lib/parser.c ../tunet-c/lib/list.c ../tunet-c/lib/utf.c ../tunet-c/utf8proc/utf8proc.c ../tunet-c/sds/sds.c ../tunet-c/cJSON/cJSON.c
LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libcurl libssl libcrypto

Most of the lines are similar. I just need to point out the following:

  1. LOCAL_C_INCLUDES is for what its name implies. I haven't tested if its redundant and LOCAL_EXPORT_CFLAGS is sufficient.
  2. Here LOCAL_SRC_FILES refers to all source files. Luckily we do not need to include header files as we do in regular
  3. LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES are libraries we need to compile against. We use the three declared earlier here.
  4. Finally include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) build the whole libtunet library so we can use it in Java using System.loadLibrary("tunet");.


In LOCAL_SRC_FILES, it seems ok to use relative paths, but not for LOCAL_C_INCLUDES. Use macro $(LOCAL_PATH) instead.

Now we've completed the setup. Now we need to add this to our Android project. You can do this in Android Studio but either way you will get the following result in your app/build.gradle:

android {


    externalNativeBuild {
        ndkBuild {
            path file('src/main/cpp/jni/')

This file is for general configuration. I just added one line to it:

APP_ABI := all

to build for all ABI variants. Nothing fancy.

Hooray! 🎉 Now if you build the project and generate an APK, you can see in it.

JNI bridge file

Although you can load the native library now, you cannot use it in Java yet. We need a bridge file to convert C functions and types to Java's.

Wait! I forgot to explain one file in above. In LOCAL_SRC_FILES, there is one tunet-jni.c and this is our bridge file.

Let's take a look:

#include <jni.h>

#include "../tunet-c/src/tunet.h"

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_io_robertying_campusnet_helper_TunetHelper_tunetInit(JNIEnv *env,
                                                                                 jobject this,
                                                                                 jstring path) {
    CA_BUNDLE_PATH = (char *) (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, path, NULL);

The Java types in C are defined in jni.h so we need to include it in the first place. JNIEXPORT <return-type> JNICALL is necessary if this function needs to be used in Java.

One that needs mentioning is the function name and arguments.

  • Java_io_robertying_campusnet_helper_TunetHelper_tunetInit is named because my package name is io.robertying.campusnet and tunetInit is a member function in class TunetHelper. TunetHelper is in a subpackage in io.robertying.campusnet package.
  • JNIEnv *env and jobject this are Java stuff that we can get in C functions so that we might do some conversion from C data to Java objects. The rest of the arguments are passed in the order of Java arguments getting passed.
  • In this function, I use GetStringUTFChars in the env to convert a Java String named path to C char* type data.

Now for this simple JNI function, we have completed C side setup. Java side work is much easier:

package io.robertying.campusnet.helper;


public class TunetHelper {

    private native static void tunetInit(String caBundlePath);



In short, just add native for declaration and make sure:

  1. Arguments are consistent: String caBundlePath with jstring path.
  2. Java, package name, class name and function name concatenated to be C side function name.


The rest of the tunet-jni.c file may contain some conversions between Java class defined enum and C int defined enum. Check out Stack Overflow if you find yourself confused.

Okay! Now we can finally use C functions in our Android project. 😋

How about CMake?

To be honest, Google recommends using CMake for NDK now. But for libraries like openssl and curl, they do not have CMakeLists.txt out of the box. So I think using ndk-build (i.e. is easier.

htmltidy is a CMake project. And it's so easy to use it with NDK.

Add it to your gradle configuration and you are done.

Well my problem is Android cannot have different build systems on the same module! The module I am talking about refers to app now. Every project should have that one by default.

We have used our on module app. 😅 So let's make a new module. You can add a new module to the same project using Android Studio. It's called Android Library if I remember it right.

After that, we can see another build.gradle for this module. I named it htmltidy so it's in htmltidy/build.gradle:

apply plugin: ''

android {
    compileSdkVersion 28

    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 21
        targetSdkVersion 28
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0.0"

        externalNativeBuild {
            cmake {
                arguments "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIB:BOOL=OFF"

    externalNativeBuild {
        cmake {
            path file('../app/src/main/cpp/tunet-c/tidy-html5/CMakeLists.txt')

externalNativeBuild links the CMake project to your project using its CMakeLists.txt. And that's it! Now libtidys gets built every time we build module htmltidy. arguments "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIB:BOOL=OFF" is to only build a static library.

Integrate CMake module to existing NDK

Let's say my libtunet later requires some functions from libtidya (htmltidy) so I added the same block to my

include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := ../../../../../htmltidy/.externalNativeBuild/cmake/$(APP_OPTIM)/$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)/libtidys.a
LOCAL_EXPORT_CFLAGS := -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/../tunet-c/tidy-html5/include

Just a slight difference: we need point LOCAL_SRC_FILES to module htmltidy's build dir. Here $(APP_OPTIM) is either debug or release, so we can keep libtidya in sync with the whole app.

And in the final libtunet setup:

include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/../openssl/include $(LOCAL_PATH)/../curl/include $(LOCAL_PATH)/../tunet-c/cJSON $(LOCAL_PATH)/../tunet-c/sds $(LOCAL_PATH)/../tunet-c/utf8proc -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/../tunet-c/tidy-html5/include
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := tunet-jni.c ../tunet-c/src/tunet.c ../tunet-c/lib/portal.c ../tunet-c/lib/parser.c ../tunet-c/lib/list.c ../tunet-c/lib/utf.c ../tunet-c/utf8proc/utf8proc.c ../tunet-c/sds/sds.c ../tunet-c/cJSON/cJSON.c
LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libcurl libssl libcrypto libtidy

Add libtidy to LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES because we name it tidy earlier in LOCAL_MODULE.

App build sequence

Everything seems perfect now. However, you will sometimes find out when compiling libtunet, libtidys.a is missing.

It is because module htmltidy is built before module app.

In app/build.gradle:

dependencies {
    implementation project(':htmltidy')


Declare htmltidy as an implementation so it gets built before app.

You also need to change the setting here in settings.gradle:

include ':htmltidy', ':app'

So it will compile module htmltidy. This addition or the module order seem somehow unnecessary. I don't know...

Alright, now you are free to use a CMake C project with an autotools C project, integrated into your awesome Android Java using the magic of NDK!

Two build systems in one harmony... 😊

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